Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District
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Weather Related Announcements Sign-Ups


Weather Related School Announcements For

Parents, Students, Relatives, & Community Members



Parents:  To ensure you get the school's weather related announcements, please log into your JMC Parent portal and click on Contact Information in the menu on the left hand side.

This example is blank, but you will have your first name and last name info filled out.  To get contacted for weather related announcements, you need to first make sure your email address(s) are correct.  Second down below in the phone area, make sure your cell phone number is correct.  For Type, you can choose Cell 1 or Cell 2.  In the box to the right, you need to put a checkmark in the boxes you want to receive information for (Text, Weather, Lunch, other School Info)  In most cases, you will want to check all boxes as a parent.  You can have multiply email addresses and multi cell phone numbers - especially if you and your spouse both want contacted.  Please do NOT put any email addresses or cell phone numbers that are not exclusively yours - the parents or guardians.  The reason for this is because student information is sent to these cell phone numbers and emails listed in your contacts (for example report cards).  So don't put in an aunt, uncle, or grandparent in your contact information; they can sign up for weather related announcements through the community section.  While you are in this Contact Information section, please check all your information (like mailing address, etc..) is correct and completely filled out.  You do NOT need to sign up anywhere else:  if you are a parent of a student, you will automatically get the announcements if your contact information is correct.


Students:  If you would like to receive weather related announcements, please email (using your school email) your cell phone number to one of the office staff in the building you attend.  Ask them to add your cell phone number so you can receive the weather related announcements.


Relatives & Community Members:  Any one in the community can sign themselves up to receive the school weather related announcements.  If you are a grandparent or relative of a student who attends ELC, you can sign up so you receive the weather related announcements.  If you are daycare provider, you can sign yourself up so you receive this information.  To sign up for these weather related announcements, click on this link:  Community Messenger Sign-Up

Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District does not discriminate based on race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, military affiliation, political party preference, socioeconomic status, or familial status. Inquiries or grievances may be directed to Mr. Jeff Dicks, 1814 7th Avenue, Estherville, Iowa 51334. 712-362-2692

La Escuela Comunitaria Estherville Lincoln Central no descrimina basandose en el raza, color, credo, origen nacional, religion, sexo, identidad de genero, edad, discapacidad, estatus marital, orientacion sexual, atributos fisicos, discapacidad o capacidad mental, afiliacion militar, preferencias por partido politico, estatus socioeconomico, o estatus familiar. Consultas o quejas pueden ser dirigidas a la Sr. Jeff Dicks, Superintendente, 1814 7th Avenue, Estherville, Iowa 51334. 712-362-2692

© 2025Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District. All rights reserved.