Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District
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School Online Registration is Now Open.

Link to Instructions for School Online Registration

For the 2024-25 school year, all Demoney Elementary Students still qualify for free breakfast & lunch. 

All students in grades 5-12 must pay for school breakfast & lunch.  Parents are encouraged to fill out the Free & Reduced Lunch form to see if their students in these grades qualify for free or reduced priced meals.  The Free & Reduced Lunch form is in the JMC Parent Online Registration.  Filling out this form will determined if students qualify for not only free or reduced lunch but also free or reduced Material Fees, Drivers Education Fees, etc...  You will be charged full fees if you do NOT fill out a Free & Reduced Lunch form.


******Reminder FOR 2024-25 SCHOOL YEAR*****

Again this year, Student Activity Tickets MUST be purchased online at Bound.  You can NOT purchase them during the registration process anymore.  The link to Bound is:   Bound Website for Student Activity Tickets

****NOTICE****  Due to a grant through the High School Key Club, activity tickets for High School Students ONLY are discounted.  When signing up, students MUST use their student school email account to receive the activity ticket.  Parents make sure to chose the High School Activity Ticket for your high school students (which will be $20); otherwise you will be charge the normal $55 with no refunds.  ONLY high school student email accounts are allowed to purchase reduced price high school activity tickets.


PreSchool Handbook 2024-25

Demoney Elementary K-4 Student/Parent Handbook 2024-25

Elementary Supply List 2024-25

ELC Middle School Student/Parent Handbook 2024-25

Middle School Supply List 2024-25

ELC High School Student/Parent Handbook 2024-25

ELC High School Course Offering Handbook 2024-25


Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District does not discriminate based on race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, military affiliation, political party preference, socioeconomic status, or familial status. Inquiries or grievances may be directed to Mr. Jeff Dicks, 1814 7th Avenue, Estherville, Iowa 51334. 712-362-2692

La Escuela Comunitaria Estherville Lincoln Central no descrimina basandose en el raza, color, credo, origen nacional, religion, sexo, identidad de genero, edad, discapacidad, estatus marital, orientacion sexual, atributos fisicos, discapacidad o capacidad mental, afiliacion militar, preferencias por partido politico, estatus socioeconomico, o estatus familiar. Consultas o quejas pueden ser dirigidas a la Sr. Jeff Dicks, Superintendente, 1814 7th Avenue, Estherville, Iowa 51334. 712-362-2692

© 2025Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District. All rights reserved.