Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District
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JMC Parent Portal

Access to JMC:    JMC Parents



Now on the JMC Parent Online log in screen they have a "Forgot Your Password" link that parents can click on to have an email sent to them so they can reset their password.  So if you have forgotten your password or are not sure what it is, you can use this feature and not have to contact the school to find out your password.  This works even if you don't think you have a password.  The critical item here is that parents/guardians MUST have a valid email address in their contact information in JMC already. The email address you gave the school, is the one you MUST use to retrieve your password.  For example: if you have a work email and a personal email, but the only one you gave the school is your personal email address; you MUST use your personal email to reset your password.

If you have not given the school a parent email address (due to privacy rules we can't have parents use student's school email addresses), you will not be able to use this feature.


The JMC Parent Online is always adding new features for parents.  Click on the links below to watch a short video about the JMC Parent Online.  There are two videos that will help you fully use the features of this program.  There is a new one just for the parent alerts for missing or low scores for your students.

JMC Parent Online Introduction Video


If you do NOT have a JMC Online Parent Account, simply send an email which contains your student(s) name and grade level.  Also include a password that you would like to use to access your account. (it should be 8-12 characters long).  You can only have ONE password for all your children.  Please send emails to:


Access to JMC Students



Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District does not discriminate based on race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, military affiliation, political party preference, socioeconomic status, or familial status. Inquiries or grievances may be directed to Mr. Jeff Dicks, 1814 7th Avenue, Estherville, Iowa 51334. 712-362-2692

La Escuela Comunitaria Estherville Lincoln Central no descrimina basandose en el raza, color, credo, origen nacional, religion, sexo, identidad de genero, edad, discapacidad, estatus marital, orientacion sexual, atributos fisicos, discapacidad o capacidad mental, afiliacion militar, preferencias por partido politico, estatus socioeconomico, o estatus familiar. Consultas o quejas pueden ser dirigidas a la Sr. Jeff Dicks, Superintendente, 1814 7th Avenue, Estherville, Iowa 51334. 712-362-2692

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